膀胱 2. 移行上皮 1.

ヒト、ブアン液で固定、パラフィン包埋、H-E染色、x 200.

「膀胱 1」の拡大。移行上皮は完成した尿に触れる腔所を縁取る上皮で、その腔所








Urinary bladder 2.  Transitional epithelium 1.

Human, fixation with Bouin’s fluid, embedding with paraffin, H-E stain, x 200.

The transitional epithelium encircles the lumen which contains the complete urine.------

This epithelium changes the form and thickness according to the volume of the lumen.--

If contracted, the epithelium becomes thick and constituting cells become tall and line--

rectangular to the basement membrane so that their nuclei are distributed in several---

lines parallel to the basement membrane. Characteristic are the surface cells. They are-

big, lightly protrude into the lumen and often contain two nuclei and cover the-----------

remaining cells. This figure shows the contracted condition. Compare “Urinary bladder-

3 and 4” !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

