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Laboratory Members

Principal Investigator:
Daisuke Suzuki 鈴木大介 Ph.D
Junior Associate Professor 講師


Daisuke Suzuki Ph.D. was trained to be an investigator in the field of Experimental Immunology in Tokai University School of Medicine in Japan. In 2009, he moved to the United States and started working as a senior investigator at University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine, where he engaged in the epithelial biology to study epithelial tissue homeostasis and diseases through p63 regulation. Then he was appointed as an Assistant Professor at Boston University in USA, working in the field of Molecular and Cellular Biology/Pathobiology, focusing on epithelial stem cells. In 2019, his research base moved to Kobe Gakuin University in Japan, continuing the study of gene regulation in epithelial stem cells. The main interest in his laboratory is to investigate the molecular mechanisms regulating epithelial diseases which are triggered by dysregulation of epithelial stem cells.

1994-2009 大学・大学院・研究員・助教時代
Tokai University School of Science/Graduate School of Medicine
University of Tokushima Graduate School of Medicine
物理学を学んだ後、医学・生命科学の道に進む. 実験動物の作製を軸に免疫学・幹細胞学の研究に従事. 免疫細胞や胸腺の発生・分化を制御する機構解明、幹細胞移植によるヒト化マウスの樹立、コモンマーモセットの免疫系基盤整備などに貢献.

2009-2016 Research Associate/Investigator
ペンシルベニア大学 獣医学部, アメリカ・ペンシルベニア州・フィラデルフィア
University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine (UPEN), Philadelphia USA

2016-2019 Assistant Professor
ボストン大学 歯学部, アメリカ・マサチューセッツ州・ボストン
Boston University Henry M. Goldman School of Dental Medicine, Boston USA
各種組織に由来する上皮系幹細胞の二次元培養法を確立. 上皮幹細胞の維持に必須となる転写因子p63遺伝子の制御機構を解明.

2019-present 講師
神戸学院大学栄養学部 Kobe Gakuin University, Faculty of Nutrition
遺伝子改変動物を作製し、p63遺伝子異常に起因する疾患モデルの確立に従事. 奇形動物の樹脂標本作成にも取り組んでいる.

Core Members 在籍メンバー


Yoko Horikawa 堀川陽子

B4 Kota Ichimaru 市丸倖多

B4 Aimi Ueno 上野愛実

Tomohiro Kitagawa 北川智大

Alumni 卒業生

Junya Yamamoto 山本純也(修士)

Kosuke Nakagawa 中川康介

Minami Sugihara 杉原光南海

Hana Taniya 谷家はな

Sawaka Marumi 圓生采和佳

Hyuga Sumita 角田日向