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Selected Publications

Pinto F, Suzuki D, Senoo M. The Simplest Protocol for Rapid and Long-Term Culture of Primary Epidermal Keratinocytes from Human and Mouse. Methods Mol Biol. 2020, 2109:1-22.

Suzuki D, Pinto F, Senoo M. Promotion of human epidermal keratinocyte expansion in feeder cell co-culture. Methods in Mol. Biol. (invited chapter) Methods Mol Biol. 2019, 1993:15-31.

Pinto F, Suzuki D, Senoo M. Long-Term Expansion of Mouse Primary Epidermal Keratinocytes Using a TGF-β Signaling Inhibitor. Methods Mol Biol. 2019, 1993:47-59.

Suzuki D, Pinto F, Senoo M. Inhibition of TGF-β signaling supports high proliferative potential of diverse p63+ mouse epithelial progenitor cells in vitro. Scientific Reports. 2017, 7(1):6089.

Suzuki D, Pinto F, Senoo M. Inhibition of TGF-β signaling promotes expansion of human epidermal keratinocytes in feeder cell co-culture. Wound Repair Regen. 2017, 25(3):526-531.

Suzuki D, Senoo M. Dact1 regulates the ability of 3T3-J2 cells to support proliferation of human epidermal keratinocytes. J Invest Dermatol. 2015, 135(11):2894-2897.

Suzuki D, Sahu R, Leu AN, Senoo M. The carboxy-terminus of p63 links cell cycle control and proliferative potential of epidermal progenitor cells. Development. 2015, 142:1-9.

Suzuki D, Leu AN, Brice AK, Senoo M. Expression analysis of Dact1 in mice using a LacZ reporter. Gene Expr Patterns. 2014, 15:21-30.

Negishi N*, Suzuki D*, Ito R, Irie N, Matsuo K, Yahata T, Nagano K, Aoki K, Ohya K, Hozumi K, Ando K, Tamaoki N, Ito M, Habu S. Effective expansion of engrafted human hematopoietic stem cells in bone marrow of mice expressing human Jagged-1. Exp Hematol. 2014, 42(6):487-494 *equally contribution

Suzuki D, Senoo M. Expansion of epidermal progenitors with high p63 phosphorylation during wound healing of the epidermis. Exp Dermatol. 2013, 22(5):374-376.

Ito R, Negishi N, Irie N, Matsuo K, Suzuki D, Katano I, Hayakawa E, Kawai K, Kamisako T, Eto T, Ogura T, Hozumi K, Ando K, Aiso S, Tamaoki N, Habu S, Ito M. Osteosclerosis and inhibition of human hematopoiesis in NOG mice expressing human Delta-like 1 in osteoblasts. Exp Hematol. 2012, 40(11):953-963.

Suzuki D, Senoo M. Increased p63 phosphorylation marks early transition of epidermal stem cells to progenitors. J Invest Dermatol. 2012, 132(10):2461-2464.

Wong FW, Nakazato M, Watanabe T, Kohu K, Ogata T, Yoshida N, Sotomaru Y, Ito M, Araki K, Telfer J, Fukumoto M, Suzuki D, Sato T, Hozumi K, Habu S, Satake M. Over-expression of Runx1 transcription factor impairs the development of thymocytes from the double-negative to double-positive stages. Immunology. 2010, 130:243-253.

Kametani Y, Suzuki D, Kazuyoshi K, Masanobu S, Suemizu H, Sasaki E, Ito T, Tamaoki N, Mizushima T, Ozawa M, Tani K, Kito M, Arai H, Koyanagi A, Yagita H, Habu S. Development of monoclonal antibodies for analyzing immune and hematopoietic systems of common marmoset. Exp Hematol. 2009, 37:1318-1329.

Kohu K, Yamabe E, Matsuzawa A, Onda D, Suemizu H, Sasaki E, Tanioka Y, Yagita H, Suzuki D, Kametani Y, Takai T, Toyoda A, Habu S, Satake M. Comparison of 30 immunity-related genes from the common marmoset with orthologues from human and mouse. Tohoku J Exp Med. 2008, 215(2):167-180.

Hozumi K, Negishi N, Tsuchiya I, Abe N, Hirano K, Suzuki D, Yamamoto M, Engel JD, Habu S. Notch signaling is necessary for GATA3 function in the initiation of T cell development. Eur J Immunol. 2008, 38(4):977-985.

Ohtsuka M, Ishii K, Kikuti YY, Warita T, Suzuki D. Sato M, Kimura M, Inoko H. Construction of mouse 129/Ola BAC library for targeting experiments using E14 embryonic stem cells. Genes Genet Syst. 2006, 81:143-146.

Suzuki D, Wang L, Senoo M, Habu S. The effects of the Vβ gene location in the process of the TCRβ gene recombination. Int Immunol. 2005, 17(12):1553-1560.

Hozumi K, Negishi N, Suzuki D, Abe N, Sotomaru Y, Tamaoki N, Mailhos C, Ish-Horowicz D, Habu S, Owen M. Delta-like 1 is necessary for the generation of marginal zone B cells but not T cells in vivo. Nat Immunol. 2004, 5(6):638-644.

Senoo M, Wang L, Suzuki D, Takeda N, Shinkai Y, Habu S. Increase of TCR Vβ accessibility within Eβ regulatory region influences its recombination frequency but not allelic exclusion. J Immunol. 2003, 171: 829-835.

Senoo M, Mochida N, Wang L, Matsumura Y, Suzuki D, Takeda N, Shinkai Y, Habu S. Limited effect of chromatin remodeling on Dβ-to-Jβ recombination in CD4+CD8+ thymocytes: implications for a new aspect in the regulation of TCRβ gene recombination. Int Immunol. 2001, 13:101-110.

Sato T, Sato C, Suzuki D, Yoshida Y, Nunomura S, Matsumura T, Hozumi K, Habu S. Surface molecules essential for positive selection are retained but interfered in thymic epithelial cells after monolayer culture. Cell Immunol. 2001, 211:71-77.

Hozumi K, Ohtsuka R, Suzuki D, Ando K. Itoh M, Nishimura T, Merkenschlager M, Habu S. Establishment of efficient reaggregation culture system for gene transfection into immature T cells by retroviral vectors. Immunol Lett. 2000, 71(1): 61-66